Importing XML with Multi-Track Audio into DaVinci Resolve
Whether you came here from inside Recut or you found this elsewhere on the internet, you've probably got this problem:
DaVinci Resolve happily imported your XML file, complete with the many audio tracks in your video, but every track is just a copy of the first one... or all but the first are muted, flat lines.
Why The Audio Tracks are Wrong (Repeated or Muted)
This is, as far as I can tell, a longstanding bug in Resolve where it doesn't handle multiple audio tracks correctly when it imports XML or FCPXML files.
You can verify this by setting up a timeline with your video and its multiple audio tracks, then exporting an XML file of that timeline, then re-importing that same file into a new timeline. At least as of DaVinci Resolve 18.0.1 this is still the case.
For Recut I'm working on a more permanent workaround, but in the meantime, the fix is pretty simple:
1. Select The Clips
Select every clip on the timeline (using Cmd+A on Mac, or Ctrl+A on Windows)
2. Open Clip Attributes
Right-click on any of the selected clips and choose Clip Attributes from the menu.
In the window that pops up, click on the Audio tab.
3. Fix the Source Channels
Look at the Source Channel column: this is the part that Resolve got wrong.
It probably lists the same channel multiple times... or maybe it says "Embedded Channel 1" and the rest are "Mute".
These need to be reset so they go in increasing order. For instance, if you had 3 audio tracks in your file, it should go:
- Embedded Channel 1
- Embedded Channel 2
- Embedded Channel 3
Use the dropdowns under the Source Channel column to reassign them.
Close the window by clicking Ok, and your timeline should be all fixed up!
If you're a Recut user and you're still running into trouble, reach out to support and we'll help sort it out.
If you don't know about Recut, and you do any sort of video editing, you should check it out – it chops out the silent parts of your videos, and saves a ton of time on the rough cut. So if your editing involves leaving lots of pauses between takes, it can massively speed up your work. Learn more about Recut here.